ClickCease Spiritual Insights – Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club

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You know there is only one God and we are all expressions of God.  We forget God is, and is in everything!  When was the last time you felt totally free in the moment, to enjoy what the moment brings?  Living your life as children do, moment to moment, enjoying each moment for that moment, not thinking or planning the next.  The awareness that is achieved by living this way brings love, happiness, and a knowingness of God into one’s life.  A knowingness of being unlimited and free.  An ecstasy that can only be experienced.

Open your heart. Stop thinking and desiring so much, and enjoy each moment for what it brings. Below are some “spiritual thoughts” that one can use to help achieve and understand the beauty of the now and God!

Note: A huge number of Spiritual Masters, Saints and Saviors are coming together to bring a message of Love to earth. Mankind is losing his connection with his/her true self and with God. Man’s ability to express love to each other and all life is being replaced with violence and corruption.

Daily Words of Wisdom:

  • As long as you look outside yourself for God, you will always be lost.
  • You are either awake or you are dreaming.
  • Spend time hanging out with yourself.
  • When you go RAW you go electrical.
  • What books give you awareness?
  • Awareness is freedom from thought.
  • Awareness is freedom from emotion.
  • Awareness is free from form.
  • Awareness is free from limitation.
  • Awareness is free from duality.
  • If you want to understand everything, you must cease to use anything.
  • If you are not here, where are you?
  • If you are too involved with the scenery, you forget who is driving.
  • Detach yourself from the outcome of things. Be the CAUSE not the EFFECT.
  • To wake up to God is to simply wake up from thinking.
  • You cannot be anywhere that God is not!
  • Be good to yourself, you are all you truly have.
  • Be humble to all life, as all life is divine.
  • You can give Divine Love to all only when you are free from desire, burdens, and opinions.
  • Co-dependency is only a lack of self-knowingness
  • YOU are the greatest truth you can know, except for GOD.
  • All creation is the unconscious becoming conscious; or you could say the unaware becoming aware.
  • If you seek anything, always strive to become conscious (aware) and always seek to be humble to those that are unconscious.
  • Drop all fears. All life comes from the same source.
  • Do not allow your mind and emotions to be used by others.
  • Stop thinking and talking and you will begin to see truth.
  • Always keep it simple!
  • Be truth 100% of the time.
  • It’s always your choice!
  • The seeker of God never finds God, as God is ever present (omnipresent), which means you are all life, are part of the one. One cannot seek what one already is.
  • Surrender and trust, do not channel. Just be that which is.
  • The more divided you allow yourself to be, the less you are.
  • Truth is not external from you.
  • You are the eternal truth “That alone exists.” There is only the one of which all life springs from.
  • Time is only a succession of NOWS.
  • Creation is only thought driven by the emotions (desire).
  • Surrender to the present moment which is eternal, time is creation, birth, life and death.
  • Rest. Be free. Be humble. And just be awake in every moment.
  • Be love in every moment.
  • Become the observer of life, control your mind, don’t follow your thoughts.
  • Listen, then talk.
  • Listen, and observe, and you will come to know who God really is.
  • Conserve energy—SMILE!
  • Make GOD your home.
  • We claim “In God we trust.” However, life would change considerably if it were: “In God we express.”
  • Live every moment in GOD—seeing all life and yourself as one.
  • If you wish to experience God—spend time not creating!
  • Be the breath of God.
  • Remember who you truly are!
  • Enjoy the “still” within.
  • The mask of creation hides the true reality of God. The mind is creation.
  • Listen and observe the beauty of God in every moment.
  • Let go of creation and enjoy the ecstasy of awareness (consciousness) itself.
  • It’s all GOD.
  • Listen within and you will hear the music of God.
  • Look within and you will see the light of God.
  • Just be you and you will experience the awareness of God.
  • Relax and let go.
  • Spend time with yourself.
  • It’s not what you believe in, or what you think, it’s what you are!
  • Creation is consciousness looking through the eyes of duality.
  • Creation is formed consciousness into states of consciousness.