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Herbal Explorations & Our Quality Promise

Herbal Explorations & Our Quality Promise

As you embark on your healing journey, you will notice many changes within yourself, including heightened awareness, increased sensitivity, and empathy. Most likely, you've experienced your body healing itself from issues that have persisted for years through true detoxification. It's an exciting feeling, and you'll want to share it with those around you. But as you know, personal changes must come from within, not from somebody else.Β 

As you progress in your healing, you'll come across an inevitable question: should you make your own herbal tinctures and capsules? It's a question that many ask, and the answer is not straightforward. Here are our thoughts.Β 

Getting to know your herbs is crucial. They are natural, powerful, and possess nutritional properties. We believe it's almost our duty to learn how to identify, grow, and use these incredible tools. You can start right away and, as always, enjoy the process.Β 

We strongly recommend having a trusted expert forager with you. While books and apps are incredibly useful, there's always a risk of making mistakes, and it's possible to mistake one plant for another. This can be incredibly dangerous, as you can imagine. An experienced forager will be able to advise far better than anything else. After all, it's the original way.Β 

The more you learn, the more fun you'll have, and the more empowered you'll feel. You can start by keeping a notebook with details of locations, plants, and the time of year they are available.Β 

As for using your newly foraged herbs during your healing, our advice is to get healthy first. If you need to get well, then do so and don't waste a moment. Now isn't the time to experiment. Instead, use this time to learn, build your knowledge, and have fun while you head back to Wellville.Β 

We understand that it can be less expensive to buy herbal tinctures and capsules from fellow practitioners who make their own and advertise on social media. While we encourage the community to support each other, we also believe that your health should be your top priority. You want the best quality products available to you. The company making Dr. Morse's herbs has been doing so for years. They only source the best quality herbs, and their process, from sourcing high quality herbal ingredients to proprietary extraction techniques, is second to none.Β 

At Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club, the greatest and most demanding quality control officer had to be satisfied before the first bottle ever got sold, and that was, and still is, Dr. Morse himself! Contamination-free extracts are a top priority for all of our formulas. Throughout the entire extraction process, there are multiple checks to ensure the purity of every batch.Β 

So, get yourself well, check out Dr. Morse's Online School to empower yourself to get you and your loved ones well, and never look back.Β 

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