Dr Morse has been a practicing naturopath for the past 45 years, working to support whole body detoxification through diet and supportive herbal supplements. In these 45 years, he has developed specific strategies, or protocols targeting unique health imbalances.*
Read on to learn more about how Dr Morse’s lifestyle and supplement recommendations can support many common discomforts that arise in the digestive tract including occasional constipation, loose watery stools, and occasional gas and bloating.*
The information that follows is the outline for our upcoming free educational blog: Detox Digest: The Digestive System. Join us on Wednesday, April 24th at 4pm EST for a discussion on this topic led by our in-house educators Jenn and Colleen.
Introduction to the GI Tract
The gastrointestinal tract is the “hub” of your body. Digestion, absorption and elimination are critical functions the body needs to perform repeatedly for you to live and thrive. From the moment you introduce energy and chemistry into the body via the mouth, to the colon where it is eliminated, awareness of how this energy and chemistry are used is vital to your health.
Contributing Factors to GI Discomfort
Our lifestyle choices can either strengthen or weaken our inherent immunity and health base line. Organs and glands can be either hypoactive or hyperactive due to genetic weakness or toxicity creating imbalances in the body’s functions and structure. This cumulative impact on the cell is what strengthens or weakens it.
What you eat, drink, breathe and absorb through your skin all contribute to the state of your body’s cells. Accumulated toxicity is stored in the body, creating obstructions. This weakens cells, and disrupts their ability to eat, respirate, and eliminate, leading to disfunction throughout the body which manifests as varying degrees of discomfort and irritation.
Consider the pH levels of the various stages of digestion:
6.7 – this is the average pH of saliva. This mild acidity continues on into the pharynx and esophagus.
2 – this is the optimal pH of the stomach. This is the most acidic phase of digestion because it is the primary location for the chemical breakdown of food. You can understand why food combining and easily digested foods are so important!
7 – this is the pH that chyme is converted to in the duodenum. This more alkaline pH prepares processed food for entry into the small intestine for absorption and then propels the contents further into the large intestine.
Cells begin to fail in their function as toxicity and acidosis set in and create an environment that inhibits the natural function of the body’s systems.
Food Choices and Food Combining
Your food choices affect your body’s ability to absorb, utilize and eliminate, especially in the colon. Keep your diet choices clean and simple. The power of these straightforward food choices and their optimal combinations will reveal their amazing cleansing properties in numerous ways during your detoxification experience.*
Acidic foods and drinks have the potential to inflame and weaken the structure and function of the digestive tract, sometimes acting like glue in the intestinal walls, stimulating mucus production to protect the tissues.*
Observe proper food combinations as the natural way our bodies were designed to digest foods to avoid fermentation and putrefaction.
Also consider the amount of food you consume for the digestive process. When transitioning to a raw food diet, especially one that is high in fruits, “grazing” or eating smaller meals more frequently through the day can produce a more positive digestive experience.
You may notice that you are hungry more often at the beginning of your transition when consuming mostly raw fruits and vegetables. This is okay! Over time you will experience the wondrous effects of these foods and their combinations as they optimize your digestion to improve absorption and the utilization of nutrients that your cells need.*
Bowel movement irregularities
Many people have unnatural bowel movements, meaning that their bowel movements are too frequent or not frequent enough. Optimal bowel movements should occur two to three times per day or approximately 30 minutes after eating. But weaknesses in the glands or colon and other areas of the GI tract, and lymphatic stagnation can compromise colon function.*
Doctor Morse’s herbal bowel formulas, paired with a clean diet, can be extremely helpful in supporting healthy and stable bowel function.*
Assessment tools:
- When assessing an individual's health, consider other systemic weaknesses in the body. Familiarize yourself with the numerous resources on the website and in Dr. Morse’s videos to build out your personalized protocols beyond what is listed below or work with a certified detoxification specialist.*
- The suggestion of Tincture, Glycerin or Capsule can be adjusted to personal preference where an alternate form is available.
Some common GI issues are listed below with basic herbal formula recommendations that can assist in building a more personalized protocol based on individual need(s) and body system weaknesses.*
Color of stool
The color of your stool will change throughout your detoxification journey. Those individuals with more significant amounts of sulfur accumulation may observe orange-colored stools. Lighter colored stools may indicate difficulties digesting fats, which directs attention to potential imbalances within the liver and gallbladder. Monitor any changes and note these developments. This will help you build your herbal protocol and adjust your diet as you continue along your wellness path.*
Before we get into formulas and protocols, we’d like to take a moment to encourage you to talk to your doctor before beginning any digestive system protocol, especially since many GI discomforts can be the symptoms of some greater issue.
The following protocols have been designed by Dr Morse and used to support many folks on their healing journey. However, they are only recommendations and should be considered alongside recommendations from a doctor.
Formulas for Immune/Lymphatic System Protocols
All Lymphatic Drainage Formulas |
General Maintenance
A successful detoxification protocol starts with a solid foundation. First, create a habit of self-awareness and assess what you are bringing into your body. Develop realistic health goals and a functional timeline that works with who you are and not against it. Then, use the following foundational formulas to incorporate into your routine as a maintenance framework to help build an herbal protocol that suits your unique needs and health goals. You will notice these formulas make up the Fab 4 kit and are also the basis for many protocols going forward.*
Refer to the Detoxification Levels Food Pyramid for direction if you are just starting out. Remember that food combining is also especially important, and this will be demonstrated with other protocols as we go!
Doctor Morse’s general maintenance protocol for digestive health includes GI Daily, Lymph Drainage Daily, Kidneys Bladder Daily and Liver Detox Tea.*

Managing Healthy Bowel Movements – loose, runny stools vs constipation*
Loose Runny Stools
Loose, watery stools are often accompanied by added urgency and frequent trips to the bathroom. GI Loose and Spasm Calm will be beneficial in these uncomfortable moments. Take the GI Loose consistently throughout the day as indicated on the label, and Spasm Calm as often as needed. These will work with the body to “evacuate” what is not wanted within and help to revitalize balance.*
This protocol also includes Lymph Drainage Daily and Kidneys & Bladder Restore to support the proper function of these two critical eliminatory systems that, when working properly, process and remove much of the waste sent down the digestive tract.*
Dietary Don'ts: Meat protein, dairy, oils and fatty or fried foods, processed foods; acidic drinks like coffee and carbonated beverages
Dietary Dos: Water; Chamomile or peppermint tea; Stomach Tea; bananas, fresh apple sauce

Occasional Constipation*
Constipation is infrequent bowel movements that are difficult to pass. As little as one to a few days can pass without a bowel movement. The movements can vary in size and are often hard.
Occasional Constipation can be the result of a variety of factors, but the first step in addressing it is to always look at your diet. A diet high in fruits with appropriate food combining practices is the most effective way to get your bowel movements on track.*
Doctor Morse always says, your diet should be moving your bowels. We recommend taking our GI Movers to support healthy bowel movement frequency and quality. Once you have 1-3 bowel movements a day that are easy to pass, you can return to GI Daily and focus on having your raw diet move your bowels.*
The GI formula capsule dosing can be adjusted (reduced or increased) depending on your body’s response as you adjust your diet and routine. Pairing a GI Mover with Lymph Drainage Gentle Mover and Kidneys & Bladder Hydrate enhances the response of the eliminatory pathways. Stomach Tea is recommended here to support, activate and hydrate the lining of the gut.*

Sluggish Liver Function*
The liver, our vital organ responsible for detoxification and metabolism, can become compromised due to several factors such as poor diet, environmental toxins, and stress. This protocol for supporting a healthy liver includes Doctor Morse's Liver/Skin formula and Liver Detox Tea, rich in milk thistle and burdock, herbs traditionally used to protect the liver and support the liver to skin eliminatory pathway.*
Blood Circulation is added to this protocol to warm it up and support the transport of these herbs to their associated organs and tissues. Lymph Drainage Moderate and Kidneys & Bladder Drain are indicated to activate those eliminatory systems that, when backed up, can tax the liver further.*

Absorption and Sluggish Digestion*
Slow absorption refers to when absorption is impaired due to interstitial congestion and any buildup along the intestinal walls. GI Broom is high in psyllium which is an osmatic or bulk-forming laxative, absorbing water in the gut, forming a gel-like substance that helps to soften stool and promote regular bowel movements. Parasite Micro and General are recommended to assure the digestive tract isn't impaired by the presence of unwanted organisms.*
In cases of sluggish pancreatic function, which can manifest as slow absorption and undigested foods in the stool, the Pancreas Support formula is indicated as the bitter herbs in this formula stoke digestive fire. When triggered by bitter foods, bitter receptors on the tongue send a message to the brain. The brain then signals secretory glands throughout the digestive tract (saliva, mucus, hydrochloric acid, enzymes and bile) to start secreting the digestive juices required to properly breakdown and absorb your food.*
This protocol also includes Lymph Drainage Super Mover and Kidneys & Bladder Drain to support the downward flow and activation of these two eliminatory channels.*
Dr. Morse encourages “super chewing” food, but we cannot forget to eat the foods we are designed to consume and combine them properly.
Dietary Don'ts: Fast food; greasy and fried foods; meat protein; dairy; alcohol; carbonated drinks and artificial ingredients
Dietary Dos: melons; fruits in any category so long as they are properly combined for optimal digestion; fresh fruit juices or fruit smoothies

Occasional Gas and bloating*
Occasional bloating and gas, whether connected with food consumption or not, is a common complaint. Often, these discomforts arise from improper food combining. This is when it is time to utilize flavorful herbs known as carminatives. These are herbs that are high in flavorful, volatile oils that have a warming energy. The warming essential oil content of carminative plants relaxes smooth muscle along the GI tract and helps dispel gas and bloating. Examples would be chamomile, fennel, ginger, cinnamon, and catnip, all of which are found in Doctor Morse’s Spasm Calm and Stomach Tea.*
GI Daily, Lymph Drainage Daily and Kidneys and Bladder Daily are companion formulas to support the eliminatory channels. Parasite Micro is a suggested addition to support a healthy gut microbiome to allow beneficial bacteria to thrive and have positive effects on digestion.
Dietary Don'ts: meat protein and starches, especially combining the two groups; cruciferous vegetables; dairy
Dietary Dos: melons; berries; sub-acid fruits like peaches and apples; fresh fruit juices and smoothies

*FDA warning: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.